Happy Thanksgiving 2018!

Afew years ago we posted this for Thanksgiving and it seems appropriate now more than ever so at the risk of sounding repetitious, here we go again… 🙂


We at Lily Absinthe want to wish everyone out there a happy Thanksgiving, no matter where you are. Thanksgiving is a somewhat unique holiday in that it speaks to our ideals and aspirations as a nation and while throughout the years we may have fallen short of the ideal, we still strive to make it a reality. President Rutherford B. Hayes’ Proclamation No. 247, officially establishing the holiday, says it best:

At no period in their history since the United States became a nation has this people had so abundant and so universal reasons for joy and gratitude at the favor of Almighty God or been subject to so profound an obligation to give thanks for His loving kindness and humbly to implore His continued care and protection.

Health, wealth, and prosperity throughout all our borders; peace, honor, and friendship with all the world; firm and faithful adherence by the great body of our population to the principles of liberty and justice which have made our greatness as a nation, and to the wise institutions and strong frame of government and society which will perpetuate it – for all these let the thanks of a happy and united people, as with one voice, ascend in devout homage to the Giver of All Good.

I therefore recommend that on Thursday, the 25th day of November next, the people meet in their respective places of worship to make their acknowledgments to Almighty God for His bounties and His protection and to offer to Him prayers for their continuance.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the city of Washington, this 1st day of November, A.D. 1880, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and fifth.


By the President:

WM. M. EVARTS, Secretary of State.

With that, we give thanks for our good fortune and we give thanks to all our friends for being friends!

Adam & Karin

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