The Fashion Show – Lily Absinthe At Clockwork Alchemy

After much hard work, staying up late many nights, and otherwise working out a host of logistical details both big and small, we’re happy to say that it’s all done and we are extremely happy! We presented two dresses, an evening dress and a day dress, both following an amethyst/violet color palette. Below are just a few pictures to whet the appetite, we’ll be providing a more detailed overview in future posts:


The evening dress on the left is our latest design, the “Lucy”, named after Lucy Westenra, the ill-fated companion of Mina Harker in Bram Stoker’s book Dracula and the subsequent Dracula movies. The dress on the right, the “Camille” is a lavender day dress in shades of lavender with amethyst accents. Both dresses are executed in the Mid-Bustle Era style (late 1870s/early 1880s) and represent some our most recent creations. In future posts, we’ll be providing more details so stay tuned. 🙂

Here are a couple of pictures taken post-show against a very interesting backdrop… 😉


And here are a couple of post-show views of the Lucy dress showing the train in all its glory:



And for a little post-show silliness…it’s been a long weekend. 🙂


We’ll be posting more details soon so stay tuned! 🙂

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